Tuesday, October 23, 2007

cheers ~~

Well, work is piling, exam's coming, life gets busy, nevertheless i always take some time to breathe, real hard this time. With the relief that all those mid term tests are over, i came to realize that project deadlines are rounnd the corner and the exams are emminent.
However, there's always room for some relaxation ya. Celebrated 11 month anniversary with dear at East Coast 2 weeks back. Well i shant go into details, everything detailed is in her blog, mine is just an overview :) Also had time to celebrate weilun's 23rd birthday while meeting so many classmates. Had bowling session with part village, part poly gang people. Laughed real hard that day and was totally exhausted.
Back to school, its yet another busy week. Projects, tutorials, lectures, tests juz cannot fade away! Nevertheless, had spring cleaning yesterday with dear's help. Cleared 3 big bags of thrash and rearranged the formation of my room. Things look fresher when everything moves! And den back to reports now !!!! Argh ~~~

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