Well well this had got to sound unbelievable but its True Singapore "Ghost" Story. Replace ghost with umbrella instead :)
I remembered clearly it was a Thursday, 2 weeks ago on 20th Sept, at the Sociology lecture theatre that Viviane came to me, in front of her my "raindrops" umbrella. Well, i named it raindrops as it certainly looks like one, just look at the picture! I was packing my bag the night before and had decided not to bring "raindrops" along to lighten my load.
"No wad, cannot be wad, i didn't bring my umbrella today ma, how can i drop it!" i exclaimed. "It's really yours, just now i picked it up at subway below the chair you were sitting on before you left." she convinced. Half believing her i replied "really meh", den took a good look at the umbrella and saw the torn part of the umbrella that i had accidentally caused on "raindrops". "Oh ya maybe i forgot la, i think its mine, thanks."
There almost 2 weeks past and nothing happened ...
Just today, she asked me how was my umbrella. Puzzled by the question i asked her why she asked me that. Thats when she told me she had actually not picked up the umbrella from subway but from a lost and found counter at Yusof Ishak House near the photocopying room, somewhere that i have never been before. Puzzled, i told her its really mine as i have not seen another similar umbrella at my house and the umbrella has signs(torn part) that proof that its mine. She said she was sure it wan't mine as i couldnt have gone to the photocopy room before. Then, Yiling mentioned that we shouldn't use other people's umbrella as there might be "ghost" in it and joked that the ghost might have prevented me from finding "raindrops".
I got home and was bemused to find "raindrops" hiding in that 7-11 plastic bag i have always contained it in. Confused by what to do, i approached my mum. She told to put the umbrella back to the lost and found counter but i complained that its too far away. "Leave it in the car" she instructed. Then i told her what Yiling mentioned. She agreed, thus told me to leave it downstairs on top of the letterboxes instead.
So i picked up fake "raindrops", was heading downstairs when i suddenly had an "errie" feeling. I decided to call dear but she was busy doing project!!! So i quickly went downstairs, constantly looking behind me to make sure that "nothing" was following me :) I had to secretly leave the umbrella on the stool instead of the letterbox as there were many people around. Pretending to open up my letterbox after discarding the umbrella, i quickily made my way home :)
What amazed me was it was going to rain soon as an uncle sitting in the void deck was carrying an umbrella in his hand and i overheard 1 housewife asking another if she had kept her clothes due to the oncoming rain ...